Friday, November 19, 2010

VERY "Special" Appreciation for the Great TSA service

This BLOG is a place for all of you to share your "compliments" to the TSA for their outstanding service to the American people and their contribution to making us feel "safe".

I for one, prefer not to dabble in these 'political' type issues, but I have dedicated my life to fight for our rights and freedoms and to see them systematically strip them away, label it something else, and then treat every American like a criminal, seems more like bullying and abuse of power, than service and safety.

Once we give these freedoms away, we can not so easily recover them. Once we begin going down this path, it is a slippery slope downward from which return is near to impossible. I only know that once we begin treating all Americans as terrorists, each time the fly, then the bad guys have already won. When the people carrying out these activities do so with this attitude, they are the ones actually executing the will of the bad guys and destroying our nation's morale and economy as less folks want to travel when they know the TSA is so enthusiastic and rigorous in their "concern" for us.

I dedicate this site to speaking up and sounding off for our freedoms and liberties against the infringement and reduction of what our founding fathers strove so hard to create for us.

That said- here are the rules for Hawke's Hall-er:


I have one rule when discipling my sons- never spank in anger.
So, I suggest the same here, never blog in anger.

Write what you like, but try to do it in a way to make folks laugh and smile
and still see your point with style. This way, we needn't worry about any accusations of wrong doing, only speaking truth and speaking freely as is our right as Americans, at least, it is so, for now.

Thanks to each of you who take the time and are bold enough to share.
Perhaps enough stories of what is going on, documented, might get some of our leaders to see the errors of our ways and turn back the tide to get common sense and restraint back into the play as we move boldly into the future with hope and belief, that we are still the bastion and beacon of freedom in the world.

Mykel Hawke sends and signing off.

1 comment:

  1. I for one have had the TSA take from me many things over the years since their inception.

    In the early days, they were worse for theft than traveling to many poor countries who would freely steal from luggage with impunity.

    Then they went through the phase of taking everything they wanted, but with different standards at each airport.

    Then we went through the phase of denying the most basic need of water to travelers, which, is a time when folks need water more than normal due to dehydration of flying.

    Then the went through the phase of making new rules but not informing people and taking things as they thought them up.

    Now they are saying we can't have umbrellas.
    Ok, for me as a survival guy, that is shelter from sun and rain for me and my fam both in real life and in survival. If they are saying folks can hide weapons in the telescoping handle, ok, fine, they can- BUT:

    1) Can they not x-ray for these things?
    2) Can not folks hide the same would be weapons in the telescoping handles of their carry on luggage?

    I would suggest the only truly safe way for us to fly, is to be stripped of all clothing and put in paper hospital scrubs since a simple shoe string can be used as a garrot, we should not be trusted to dress ourselves.

    I would also suggest they hand cuff us since a martial artist can use his hands as a weapon. Only then can we be truly safe.

    My point here is when will they exercise some restraint and Common Sense?

    To add insult to injury, they do not conduct their duties with humility and service, but rather, more like bullies back by the authorities as if they have unquestionable power. This is a leadership issue that determines how they approach their mission and how they treat their fellow Americans.

    Time for a change. Which way will they go?
    What will you do about it?

    I hope you will join me and share your stories so others can know they are not alone and the leaders can see that we are missing the mark in our overzealous persecution of every single American who flies.

